We’re Auto Car Finance.

We help hundreds of people find the best deals every year.

It's never been
this easy!


Approval of

New Car
Pick up

Auto Car Finance

Buying a vehicle is a big decision. Your vehicle is likely to be one of your most significant assets, so it’s important to do your due diligence before you buy a used car.

Following the steps below will mean you undertake a thorough check on the used car you’re considering buying, and gives you the best chance of avoiding a lemon.

Step 01

Complete Application

Complete your application easily online.

Step 02

Get Approved

Our team will review your application and contact you with an answer, quickly.

Step 03

Pick up your car

Once approved and processed, you get to pick up your new car!


Your repayments will be made using a combination of your pre and post-tax salary, reducig your taxable income and saving you a thousands at tax time.


A novated lease includes your vehicle’s running costs such as fuel, servicing and tyres. You’ll have to pay for these expenses regardless – so it make sense to use your free tax salary to pay for them, further reducing your taxable income.


You’ll enjoy GST excluded from both the purchase price and running costs of your car.

Why choose
Auto Car Finance

Getting your Personal Car Loan with us is the right choice.


  • Expert knowledge & advice – trust our expertise in finding you the right deal for your situation and providing you the greatest peace of mind that you’ve made the right choice.
  • Competitive fixed-term interest rates – we won’t ‘stick you’ with any unwanted surprises, what you see is what you get!
  • Rapid turnaround time – you can be up and running in your new vehicle in literally a few days from now.
  • Fast pre-approvals, in most cases over the phone the same day – just fill out our 30-second form and we’ll call you back with an answer!
  • Flexibility to buy from dealers, auctions, and even private sellers – finally, YOU can decide what you want to purchase and from where! Just because you don’t have the money upfront doesn’t mean you aren’t in control of this purchase.
  • Contact our expert team 7 days a week – we’re here for YOU. Get in touch with us any time you need to!

Discover How You Can Make Some Smart Savings

On your next purchase with our FREE guide: Novated leasing made simple

Simply by paying for things a little differently, you can stand to save thousands! The FREE Guide details everything you need to know about a Novated Lease to get started. It's the smarter way to finance your next purchase.

We don't give it out to strangers though - Fill in your details below and download the FREE guide to learn more.

    Please contact us on 1300 547 226 for a No Obligation, FREE Quote, and Approval! Or, simply contact us today for a 5-minute callback.